I’m not going to make this too long and hopefully you guys will read it. So here it is..
About 3 years ago I started my weight loss journey and I was doing pretty great. I was making amazing progress and was so happy about myself. I was 110% healthy in all aspects of my life. Then one day I ate too much..I saw on Tumblr some girls talking about it and even tho I told myself that I would never do that.. well, I did. I went into the bathroom and I made myself through up. At first I told myself that it was only for that time and that I would never do it again..but I did. It was so easy to just eat whatever i wanted without gaining weight. The only thing is that I never realized that I became addicted to it. I wasn’t gaining weight, I still lost a few pounds (around 5) but after a while I couldn't lose any more. My weight was content and no matter what I did I couldn’t lose a pound and that would depress me.
It lasted for 2 years and when I finally decided to seek for help I was really in a bad place.My teeth were sensitive from the acid, I had zero energy to do anything, I would have panic attacks and suffer from anxiety, my hair was falling out, I would have nightmare..I was just so miserable. It took me around a year to recover. I had to go an intensive program for that but it was worth it. I’m still not completely recovered will probably never will but I’m working on it. And this is the story behind my weight gain. I gained all the weight back and to be honest I’m not so happy about that part because I’m not really dealing good with that part just yet. But then again I’m working really hard on it. I’m sharing this today because I want to help other people get over that hard moment in their life and tell them that hey friend, recovery is possible. Happiness is possible. Loving yourself IS POSSIBLE. Please seek help as soon as possible. The sooner the better you’ll feel. I guarantee you it’s worth it.
Thank you.
A. N.
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