Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Lucky year

Crazy how life goes sometimes. Last week I was so depress and anxious. I thought my life would be over because I lost someone really close to me. Not because the person died, but because of my actions. Last week, I was destroyed and didn’t believed in myself. I thought i was the worst person. I really wanted to die. 

But I didn’t. Instead I took the time to feel my emotions and think about everything, the relationship that i just lost, my past, my future, my family, my friends and myself. Was that how I wanted to live the rest of my life? Depress and scared of success? Anxious and always in my “comfort zone”? No. No, I want more than this. I want happiness and to reach my goals. I want to be proud myself, to wake up in the morning and feel complete. 

Also, spending time with my friend, who visited from Montreal, made me feel so much better! I realized that my life is not all negative. I have friend and family that loves me and I’m capable of so much if I only put my mind to it! I find that this is something that is so easy to forget when you go through bad moments!

That being said, today is my birthday! I’m 22 years old! My mother says that it’s a lucky day for me. It’s the fist time since my birth that my birthday is on a monday. Also, it’s the holy month of ramadan and finally, there’s a rare strawberry moon. I think that it’s more reasons for me to push to get what I want in life. MY year starts today!


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Good vibes

Before you say "Anita, you said that you would write more often and you didn't!" I KNOW! Unfortunately for me, I came accross some problems with my landlord  and was under a LOT of stress for a month or so. Anyway, now that I moved to an other place downtown Toronto and that I finally started school in my dream program, I have to say that I'm happy because I feel like things are starting to fall into place in my life. I still need to find a job so I can start a "proper" change in my eating habits. Not that I haven't made changes in the way i eat but I need a bigger budjet to be able to keep it consistant during the day. What I mean by that is that usually usually, in the morning I eat fruits with a cup of tea with some fresh lemon slices in it and water infused with lemon. The  problem is that as soon as I get out of my house and arrive at school, I buy something at Tim Hortons or Second Cup. Which, I think, wouldn't happen if I have snacks/meals with me or if I ate something more filling at home. I have to admit that I need more protein in my diet! That's why I bought a lot of stuff at the grocery store! I made a menu of the healthy meals that I want to try this week and I can't wait to try them!

Anyway, like I was saying, that little problem can be solved by the source of income that a job brings! I only  applied to my dream retail job, so far, but I will definitely apply to other job this week. I keep my finger crossed that they will call me soon though! In the meantime, there's a thing that I need to work on and it's working out. Because of the stressful environment that I was living in (and let's add some laziness into it), I haven't worked out in a while. I do have my workout DvDs with me but no DvD player (damn you Macbook Air)! I'm well aware that It's no excuse for me not to have been exercising since I moved to my new place, but..yeah. It's never too late, right? 

Changing subject, I am beyond happy with my courses and I can't wait to meet and get to know new people! I've been feeling really lonely those past two months and ,I know it might sound lame, but I just can't wait to make friends and have a normal social life! It also help that I have 4 roommates, around the same age as me! We are suppose to be six in total but one room is empty. They all seem nice and I have a good feeling about the whole experience!

I have a good vibe from everything and i haven't felt so positive and in control in a long time and really I can't find the words to express how good it feels. It is actually funny to me I'm writing this has if someone is going to find these ordinary details and thoughts about my life interesting but I don't care because it's nice to share them. Even if it ends up that my supportive boyfriend and I are the only ones reading them. I just hope that one day I'll look back at my old posts and be proud of how far I've came!
Alright, I'll stop rambling, haha! Thank you for taking the time to read that long ass post, whoever you are and remember, everything is possible, you just have to set your mind to it!

Living doesn't mean that you are alive. Refuse to just exist!
