Crazy how life goes sometimes. Last week I was so depress and anxious. I thought my life would be over because I lost someone really close to me. Not because the person died, but because of my actions. Last week, I was destroyed and didn’t believed in myself. I thought i was the worst person. I really wanted to die.
But I didn’t. Instead I took the time to feel my emotions and think about everything, the relationship that i just lost, my past, my future, my family, my friends and myself. Was that how I wanted to live the rest of my life? Depress and scared of success? Anxious and always in my “comfort zone”? No. No, I want more than this. I want happiness and to reach my goals. I want to be proud myself, to wake up in the morning and feel complete.
Also, spending time with my friend, who visited from Montreal, made me feel so much better! I realized that my life is not all negative. I have friend and family that loves me and I’m capable of so much if I only put my mind to it! I find that this is something that is so easy to forget when you go through bad moments!
That being said, today is my birthday! I’m 22 years old! My mother says that it’s a lucky day for me. It’s the fist time since my birth that my birthday is on a monday. Also, it’s the holy month of ramadan and finally, there’s a rare strawberry moon. I think that it’s more reasons for me to push to get what I want in life. MY year starts today!